Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why this blog?

I have now created two blogs for my own "personal use." The first is the "Man's Nature" blog, the second is this one.

I started the first because I—ultimately—want to talk about the nature of man and how it relates to thing supernatural. I thought I would also talk about things political on the blog in question—and perhaps I will at some point—but for the time being, I want to separate the two. Hence the creation of this blog.

The intent of this blog is to talk about politics in general (and even more generally to some degree, the interaction between humans), but it will have the "flavor" of a discussion on the politics of the United States.

Hence the name, the three branches of government here in the U.S. are the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. It is from this I chose to create my title.

I hope to do some writing on this blog (as well as on my Man's Nature blog) soon but must work with limited time. As such, I will likely—at least initially, if not generally—"push" my blog posts to my FaceBook page.

Okay, have to sign off for now—much to be done!

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